皮马社区学院 will be 关闭d for training on Friday, Aug. 23. 你可以申请 & 在网上或在 超级星期六 在市中心校区举行的现场注册活动.
Professional woman smiles on steps of Northwest Campus in a blue blazer.

面试 & 网络

Interview and networking skills are key to landing your next job or internship opportunity. Check out our resources and tips to prepare for your next interview and start networking. 



大面试 is an online platform where you can practice your interviewing skills in a number of ways. 通过大面试,你可以:

  • Build answers to the most commonly asked interview questions and get feedback on how to improve your responses
  • Find practice interview questions that are specific to your industry
  • Complete mock interviews that allow you to record yourself and get feedback on your answers


Go to MyPima > Student Tab > 学生资源 > 大面试.


MyCareerLink is a free career board that connects you to employers who want to hire 皮马社区学院 students and alumni. 实习等专业经历, 全职的工作, 兼职角色, apprenticeships and volunteer opportunities all can be found in MyCareerLink.


Go to MyPima > Student Tab > 学生资源 > MyCareerLink.


探索我们的 职业生涯指导 获取更多职业规划资源和服务. Our guide also features information about networking and hiring events, workshops and webinars.


我们之前已经整理了一些技巧来帮助你成功, during and after your upcoming interview or networking event. 


遵循 these tips to successfully prepare for your upcoming interview:  

  • Research the company along with its history, values and mission. It's a good idea to refer to the company's history and mission in your answers to the interviewer's questions. 
  • 准备好面试结束时要问的问题.
  • 你的电梯演讲准备好了吗.e. your 30-second speech that describes your professional experiences and goals and why you are interested in this position).
  • Make sure you know where the interview is and that you know how to get there (if it's in person) or how to access the meeting link (if it's virtual).
  • 穿着要给人留下深刻印象. Plan out your outfit and make sure it is ready to go the day before your interview. 


在面试过程中,准备好回答问题 行为问题, or questions that ask you to speak about past experiences that show your skills and qualifications. Behavioral questions often start with "describe a time" or "tell me about a time." 

使用 明星的方法 当你回答这些问题时:

  1. Situation: Identify a challenge, problem, concern, issue or conflict you have experienced.
  2. Tasks: Describe your responsibilities, role and who was involved.
  3. A解释你做了什么以及你使用了哪些技能.
  4. R结果:列出结果, 成就, 你贡献了什么,学到了什么, 以及你的工作效率.

这里还有一些其他的 面试技巧 这些可以帮你搞定面试: 

  • Make eye contact with the interviewers as you address their questions.
  • Show your confidence, answer the questions directly and smile.
  • 轮到你的时候问问题. Having a list of questions ready shows you have put thought into the position and company. If you are not sure what to ask, check out the tips on our 职业生涯指导. 
  • If you can't answer an interview question, it is okay to say "I need a moment to think about that." It's better to give a thoughtful answer than to say something that will show the interviewer that you're stumped. 


After the interview, be sure to send a thank you letter within 24 hours of your interview. 你可以使用邮件或电子邮件, 而是因为招聘时间安排得很快, 建议您通过邮件发送.

A thank you letter reminds the employer of your candidacy and allows you to reiterate your interest in the position. 


  • 感谢信要简短,不要超过两段.
  • 除了说谢谢, remind the employer of the qualifications that make you a good fit for the position.
  • Mention the date of your interview and something you enjoyed discussing during your interview.

网络 is the process of meeting and forming contacts with people in your field of study or industry. 

社交媒体和面对面的社交活动, 比如招聘会或信息发布会, are great ways to start connecting with potential employers and to learn more about your industry.

联系 careerservices@bjqzgy.com to find more information about these events 或浏览我们的 事件日历



人脉从你的 电梯演讲. 可以这样想 a 30-second introduction of yourself that you can use in networking settings, 比如招聘会或专业会议.

You can create your own 电梯演讲 by answering the following questions:

  • 你的名字和专业是什么?
  • 你为什么选择你的专业/研究领域?
  • 你引以为傲的顶级技能是什么?
  • 你的职业目标是什么?

If you are meeting with a recruiter or someone from a company, it's a good idea to end your 电梯演讲 with a question about their company.


Put together and continually update a list of dream jobs and organizations you'd like to work for. Keep up to date on job postings from these organizations by following their website and social media accounts.


使用 LinkedIn to connect and interact with people at your target companies or in your desired roles.

搜索 for people you may know at those companies and ask for an introduction. 你也可以 搜索皮马校友 to see if former Pima students are working at companies or in roles you're interested in. 

如果你不认识任何人, send a message to an employee in a role you're interested in, letting them know you are starting your career search and would love to learn more about how they got into their role.


Attend meetups, webinars, career fairs and conferences related to your desired industry. 联系 careerservices@bjqzgy.com 或浏览我们的 事件日历 查找即将到来的职业活动. 

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